Studio Adaptive Skins

The Netherlands

Studio Adaptive Skins = design yarns -> design fabrics -> design wearables. Why? To improve and sustain the fashion production system. To bring the individual closer within the design process. Tailored by weather is about creating a direct creative dialogue between: the body versus adaptive materials and using the environment as a tool to create new shapes. Studio Adaptive Skins was founded in 2018 by designer Jef Montes. Adaptive skins is a textile architecture studio based in Arnhem, The Netherlands with a strong emphasis on responsive materials.

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Project Marinero is created with the idea of using the environment as the main design element, within the shaping process of materials. The concept of the textile design comes from biomimicry, 2D elemental forms that unravel into complex 3D shapes.

In order to emphasize the deformation of the textile it was needed to create conceptual yarns. The Adaptive Archi-Filament was developed in collaboration with co-creation tech platform Re-FREAM. The idea of the filament is to block deforming mechanisms inside a firm coating. This layer melts away with rain and starts to deform.

The materials are developed in collaboration with TextileLab Tilburg. 66 Marinero designs were developed for the design follows material experiment. The outdoor installations are developed with artist Bart Nijboer. This experiment lasted over 6 months and the entire process is published on The goal is to offer the Adaptive Archi-Filament as a commercial product in 2022.

‘Project Marinero’


Slovak Fashion Council

